Monday, September 26, 2011

Frida Giannini - made me think.

Have you read Elle October?
Frida guest-edit and I must say I enjoyed her story.
What made me think and reflect was her mention of her mother as her inspiration, and whom she turns to for support and guidance.
And I DO so envy.

Simply because I never had a mother.
I did have a adoptive mother.
But she was not the nurturing kind who left behind so much emotional scars (not to mention physical ones which I have tried to camouflage with tattoo) that it still haunts me.

Indeed I agree mothers have a lifelong impact on their children. It is only a matter of time before we realise most of the things we (try to) achieve and decisions we made, has something to do with our childhood.
When something or someone around me upsets me, I had vivid flashbacks of violent beatings and verbal abuse that will make me lapse into despair. I have to consistently keep a close check on emotions and not let it take me over, knowing that it gets me into this cold dark place that will only be detrimental to those around me.

I do not whinge about the past as much as I used to.
Not because I have forgotten or let go but because I made the decision to be live Life.
End of the day, my (adoptive) mother is gone now and I am still here.
And I am not about to let what happened destroy (what can be potentially) a good life ahead.

Every heart needs an anchor. No matter where you are and how far you go, you know someone, somewhere is waiting for you to embrace you and welcome you home. The article on Frida and her mother made me wonder what would I have become if I had a strong nurturing figure in my growing years. I envy that close relationship more than her achievement in Gucci (not to diminish the impact she has on the brand. The injection of creative energy is awesome. But I am not talking about fashion right now).
With a strong support as hers, one can only imagine how much further she can go from where she is right now. I like how Rebecca Lowthorpe ends the article with Frida's words, 'Sure. Inner happiness, good energy - I think when you feel so positive everything is easier to manage. You look at your life in a different light'.
So, so true.
Oh. Someone must tell her that she look MUCH prettier with a light lippy.

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